API Reference Anoma v0.30.0


I am an action in shielded resource machine.

I represent the resource's public inputs.

I represent a compliance's private inputs.

I represent the resource logic's public inputs.

I am a proof record for a shielded resource.

I am a shielded resource.

I am a shielded resource machine transaction.

I represent a resource merkle tree. The resource tree should be quite small, such as with a depth of 4

I am a bunch of utility functions useful for the Cairo backend.

I am a bunch of workflow functions for creating a shielded transaction.

Documentation for Client.

The Anoma client application acts as a proxy between a third-party client and an Anoma node.

I implement the logic for the Anoma client commandline interface.

I am the client supervisor. I monitor all the processed regarding a connection to a single remote node.

I am the TCP connection process. I manage a tcp connection with a remote node.

I contain functions to test the public interface of the client.

I contain examples for the GRPC proxy.

I represent the Identity

I am an implementation of the Local Randomness Engine

I am dummy storage during the defactor, to avoid undue stress on shielded rm.

I am an Node Event module for Anoma Node. I provide a wrapper around all Anoma Events.

I contain the defevent macro, which facilitates the definition of typed event structs and optionally associated filters. Require or use me to use defevent.

I am the Anoma.Node.Event.NodeFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Event.

I define custom events FooEvent and BarEvent with filters.

I am the Anoma.Node.Examples.EEvent.EDefEvent.EventExample.BarFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Examples.EEvent.EDefEvent.EventExample.

I am the Anoma.Node.Examples.EEvent.EDefEvent.EventExample.FooFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Examples.EEvent.EDefEvent.EventExample.

I contain examples to test the GRPC endpoint of the node.

I contain several examples on how to run the intent pool.

I contain several examples on how to use the solver.

I am the intent pool for the Anoma node. m1dnight still has to write these docs.

I am the Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.IntentAddErrorFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.

I am the Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.IntentAddSuccessFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.

I am the Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.TRMFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Intents.IntentPool.

I am a strawman intent solver for testing purposes.

I am the supervisor for the intents subsystem.

I am the Logging Engine.

I am the Anoma.Node.Logging.LoggingFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Logging.

I am the Node Registry module.

I am the top level supervisor for the Anoma node.

I am the Transaction Backend module.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Backends.CompleteFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Backends.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Backends.ForMempoolFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Backends.

I am the Executor Engine.

I am the Mempool Engine.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.BlockFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.ConsensusFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.TxFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Mempool.

I am the Ordering Engine.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Ordering.TxIdFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Ordering.

I am the Storage Engine.

I am the Anoma.Node.Transaction.Storage.HeightFilter filter generated by deffilter in Anoma.Node.Transaction.Storage.

I am the supervisor for the transaction subsystem.

I am an engine proxy and I serve as the single point of contact to a remote node.

I am the transport supervisor.

I am the TCP connection process. I manage a tcp connection with a remote node.

I am a TCP listener. I listen on a given interface and port for incoming connections.

I am the Intent protocol.

I am the Transaction protocol.

I am the top level supervisor for the Anoma node application.

I provide out utilities for ensuring user Data, Config, etc. directories are properly setup for the host operating system.

delta functions. not a struct don't make it a struct

I provide utility functions for users.

A simple commitment tree.

I represent a compact proof that a particular element is contained within the commitment tree.

A specification for a commitment tree.

I am the EventBroker Application Module.

I am a Broker module.

I contain the deffilter macro. Require or use me to use deffilter.

I am an Event module for the Event Broker.

I am a filter module for the Event Broker. I provide the callbacks for all the filters used in the PubSub system.

I am a Filter Agent module.

I contain submodules for the default filters supported by the event broker.

I am the EventBroker.Filters.LessTrivial filter generated by deffilter in EventBroker.Filters.

I am the EventBroker.Filters.ManyFields filter generated by deffilter in EventBroker.Filters.

I am the EventBroker.Filters.SourceModule filter generated by deffilter in EventBroker.Filters.

I am the EventBroker.Filters.Trivial filter generated by deffilter in EventBroker.Filters.

I am the Registry for the PubSub system.

I am the EventBroker Supervisor for PubSub.

I contain the with_subscription macro. Require me or use me to use with_subscription.

I am the Glossary module. I provide a way to define and document terms throughout the codebase.

A map with an identity value; all keys not explicitly assigned a value map to the identity.

I generate out extra information for Livebook

An IdentityMap where the values are MapSets, plus some convenient helper functions.

Nock, a universal function on nouns.

Jets for the Nock interpreter, taking a gate core. Not fully general.

I am the Mugs module for the Nock Jet system.

I am the Nock Library module.

The noun data structure.

Parsing and printing of nouns.

I am the implementation of Nock de/serialization functions, cue and jam.

I am the exception thrown by cue!/1 when it cannot decode further.

I am the exception thrown by jam/1 when it encounters a non-noun which it is incapable of encoding.

I am the module implementing noun ordering functionality.

I generate test cases for all public functions with arity 0 from the given module.

I am a module populated by macros associated to Anoma Testing.

Mix Tasks

I compile the protobuf files before compiling the project.

I generate out the TOC for each liveview doc