Anoma.Client (Anoma v0.30.0)

Documentation for Client.



I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

I connect to a remote node over GRPC.

Given a Client, I disconnect it and cleanup.

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

I run a Nock program with its inputs, and return the result.


@type t() :: %Anoma.Client{
  grpc_port: integer() | nil,
  supervisor: pid() | nil,
  type: (:grpc | :tcp) | nil


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@spec add_intent(Anoma.TransparentResource.Transaction.t()) :: any()

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

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connect(host, port, listen_port, node_id)

@spec connect(String.t(), integer(), integer(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()} | {:error, term(), term()}

I connect to a remote node over GRPC.

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@spec disconnect(t()) :: :ok

Given a Client, I disconnect it and cleanup.

@spec list_intents() :: [Noun.t()]

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

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@spec list_nullifiers() :: any()

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

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@spec list_unrevealed_commits() :: any()

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

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@spec list_unspent_resources() :: any()

I return the list of intents in the node I'm connected to.

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run_nock(program, inputs)

@spec run_nock(Noun.t(), [Noun.t()]) :: {:ok, Noun.t()} | {:error, any()}

I run a Nock program with its inputs, and return the result.