Anoma.Node.Examples.ESolver (Anoma v0.30.0)

I contain several examples on how to use the solver.



I send a trivial transaction to the Intent Pool, which then gets solved by itself and then sent to the Mempool to be executed.

I insert a single transaction into the solver, which it cannot solve. I verify that the transaction is then in the unsolved list.

I create a single transaction and ask the solver to solve it. The transaction cannot be solved, so it should be in the unbalanced list when the solver returns.

I solve multiple intents that are valid when composed.

I solve multiple intents that are valid when composed.


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solvable_transaction_gets_executed(enode \\ ENode.start_node())

@spec solvable_transaction_gets_executed(Anoma.Node.Examples.ENode.t()) :: :ok

I send a trivial transaction to the Intent Pool, which then gets solved by itself and then sent to the Mempool to be executed.

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solvable_transaction_via_intent_pool(enode \\ ENode.start_node())

@spec solvable_transaction_via_intent_pool(Anoma.Node.Examples.ENode.t()) :: boolean()

I insert a single transaction into the solver, which it cannot solve. I verify that the transaction is then in the unsolved list.

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@spec solve_transaction() :: boolean()

I create a single transaction and ask the solver to solve it. The transaction cannot be solved, so it should be in the unbalanced list when the solver returns.

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@spec solve_transactions() :: boolean()

I solve multiple intents that are valid when composed.

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@spec solve_transactions_with_remainder() :: boolean()

I solve multiple intents that are valid when composed.