Anoma.Node.Examples.EGRPC (Anoma v0.30.0)
I contain examples to test the GRPC endpoint of the node.
I add an intent to the client.
Given an enode, I connect to its GRPC endpoint.
I list the intents over grpc on the client.
I list all nullifiers.
I list all unrevealed commits.
I list all unspent resources.
@type t() :: %Anoma.Node.Examples.EGRPC{ channel: any() | nil, node: Anoma.Node.Examples.ENode.t() | nil }
I am the state of a GRPC connection to the node.
- The channel for making grpc requests.:node
- The node to which the client is connected.
Link to this function
add_intent(client \\ connect_to_node())
I add an intent to the client.
Link to this function
connect_to_node(enode \\ nil)
@spec connect_to_node(Anoma.Node.Examples.ENode.t() | nil) :: t()
Given an enode, I connect to its GRPC endpoint.
The examples in this file are used to test against the client GRPC endpoint. The client needs a node to process incoming requests (except prove), so a node is also required to run these examples.
Link to this function
list_intents(client \\ connect_to_node())
I list the intents over grpc on the client.
Link to this function
list_nullifiers(client \\ connect_to_node())
I list all nullifiers.
Link to this function
list_unrevealed_commits(client \\ connect_to_node())
I list all unrevealed commits.
Link to this function
list_unspent_resources(client \\ connect_to_node())
I list all unspent resources.