Anoma.CairoResource.Utils (Anoma v0.30.0)
I am a bunch of utility functions useful for the Cairo backend.
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hex_to_n_byte_binary(hex_string, n)
@spec hex_to_n_byte_binary(String.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}
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integer_or_hex_to_n_byte_binary(value, n)
@spec integer_or_hex_to_n_byte_binary( integer() | String.t(), non_neg_integer() ) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}
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json_object_has_empty_key(json_object, key)
@spec json_object_has_empty_key(Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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json_object_has_key(json_object, key)
@spec json_object_has_key(Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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json_object_has_nonempty_key(json_object, key)
@spec json_object_has_nonempty_key(Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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parse_json_field_to_binary32(json, field)
@spec parse_json_field_to_binary32(Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}
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parse_json_field_to_boolean(json, field)
@spec parse_json_field_to_boolean(Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, term()}
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parse_json_optional_field_to_binary32(json, field, default)
@spec parse_json_optional_field_to_binary32( Jason.OrderedObject.t(), String.t(), binary() ) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}