Anoma.Node.Examples.EEvent.EDefEvent (Anoma v0.29.0)



I create a filter module when the filter option is provided.

I create a typed struct with specified fields.

I enforce required fields when the enforce option is true.

I demonstrate filtered event subscription using FooEvent and BarEvent.

I do not create a filter module when the filter option is nil.


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@spec create_filter_module() :: {term(), Code.binding()}

I create a filter module when the filter option is provided.

I assert that the filter module is created with the expected functions.

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@spec create_struct_with_fields() :: {term(), Code.binding()}

I create a typed struct with specified fields.

I assert that the struct can be created with the expected values.

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@spec enforce_required_fields() :: any()

I enforce required fields when the enforce option is true.

I assert that an error is raised when required fields are missing.

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filtered_event_subscription(node_id \\ Node.example_random_id())

@spec filtered_event_subscription(String.t()) :: String.t()

I demonstrate filtered event subscription using FooEvent and BarEvent.

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@spec no_filter_module() :: {term(), Code.binding()}

I do not create a filter module when the filter option is nil.

I assert that no filter module is created.