Noun.Order (Anoma v0.30.0)
I am the module implementing noun ordering functionality.
In particular, I implement functions such as dor/2
, gor/2
and mor/2
that provide a notion of partial ordering between nouns.
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dor(a, b)
I am the dor function. I provide a partial ordeirng on bear nouns.
When both nouns are atoms, I check whether the first is less than or equal than the second.
If both are cells, I recurse on the heads unless they are the same. Otherwise I recurse on the tails.
Otherwise, I consider the cell the greater noun.
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gor(a, b)
I am the gor function. I provide fast partial ordering on mugged nouns.
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mor(a, b)
I am the mor function. I provide fast partial ordering on doubly-mugged nouns.