Examples.ECommitmentTree (Anoma v0.30.0)



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@spec a_merkle_proof() :: {CommitmentTree.t(), CommitmentTree.Proof.t(), any()}
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babylon_mnesia_ct(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec babylon_mnesia_ct(CommitmentTree.Spec.t()) :: CommitmentTree.t()
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@spec cairo_poseidon_spec() :: CommitmentTree.Spec.t()
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current_tree_mnesia_ct(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec current_tree_mnesia_ct(CommitmentTree.Spec.t()) :: CommitmentTree.t()

This fetches the current mnesia tree storage

This value is expected to differ, and will be a fixture for other tests to assert about.

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empty_mnesia_backed_ct(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec empty_mnesia_backed_ct(CommitmentTree.Spec.t()) :: CommitmentTree.t()
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lots_of_inserts_ct(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec lots_of_inserts_ct(CommitmentTree.Spec.t()) :: CommitmentTree.t()
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memory_backed_ct(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec memory_backed_ct(CommitmentTree.Spec.t()) :: CommitmentTree.t()
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memory_backed_ct_with_trivial_cairo_tx(cms, spec \\ cairo_poseidon_spec())

A commitment tree with commits from Examples.ERM.EShielded.ETransaction.a_shielded_transaction/0

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memory_backed_ct_with_trivial_swap(spec \\ sha256_32_spec())

@spec memory_backed_ct_with_trivial_swap(term()) :: {CommitmentTree.t(), binary()}

A commitment tree with commits from ETransaction.swap_from_actions/1

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@spec sha256_32_spec() :: CommitmentTree.Spec.t()
@spec tree_storage() :: atom()