Nock (Anoma v0.30.0)

Nock, a universal function on nouns.




I contain environmental information on how Nock shall be evaluated.


@type t() :: %Nock{
  gas_limit: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  meter_pid: pid() | nil,
  scry_function: (term() -> {:ok, term()} | :error),
  stdio: any()

I contain environmental information on how Nock shall be evaluated.

For example Ι contain information on jettedness to determine if we should be using jets or not


@spec cons(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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@spec decrement_arm() :: Noun.t()
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@spec decrement_core() :: Noun.t()
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gas_limit(limit, pid, gas)

@spec gas_meter() :: non_neg_integer()
@spec gas_meter(non_neg_integer()) :: non_neg_integer()
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@spec get_jet(Noun.t()) ::
   {String.t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(),
    (Noun.t() -> :error | {:ok, Noun.t()}), atom(), non_neg_integer()}}
  | :error
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metered_nock(subject, formula)

@spec metered_nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) ::
  {:ok, Noun.t(), non_neg_integer()} | {:error, non_neg_integer()}
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metered_nock(subject, formula, environment)

@spec metered_nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), t()) ::
  {:ok, Noun.t(), non_neg_integer()} | {:error, non_neg_integer()}
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naive_nock(subject, formula)

@spec naive_nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: {:ok, Noun.t()} | :error
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naive_nock(subject, formula, environment)

@spec naive_nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), t()) :: {:ok, Noun.t()} | :error
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nock(subject, formula)

@spec nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: {:ok, Noun.t()} | :error
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nock(subject, formula, env)

@spec nock(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), t()) :: {:ok, Noun.t()} | :error
@spec nock_0(Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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@spec nock_1(Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_2(subject_formula, formula_formula)

@spec nock_2(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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@spec nock_3(Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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@spec nock_4(Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_5(formula_1, formula_2)

@spec nock_5(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_6(cond, true_branch, false_branch)

@spec nock_6(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_7(subject_formula, sub_formula)

@spec nock_7(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_8(push_formula, sub_formula)

@spec nock_8(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_9(axis, sub_formula)

@spec nock_9(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_10(axis, replacement_formula, sub_formula)

@spec nock_10(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_11(hint_noun, sub_formula)

@spec nock_11(Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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nock_11(hint_noun, hint_formula, sub_formula)

@spec nock_11(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), Noun.t()) :: Noun.t()
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@spec process_hint(Noun.t()) :: term()
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process_hint(puts, hint_result, environment)

@spec process_hint(Noun.t(), Noun.t(), t()) :: term()
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put_jet(battery_mug, jet_info)

@spec put_jet(Noun.t(), any()) :: any()
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@spec scry_forbidden(Noun.t()) :: :error | {:ok, Noun.t()}