Examples over Testing


  1. Toc
  2. Contributing
    1. Understanding Any Module
    2. Style Guide
    3. Writing Documents
    4. Examples Over Testing
    5. Git
    6. Iex
    7. Mnesia Vs Actor State
    8. Observer
    9. Testing
      1. Running Tests
      2. Writing Tests
  3. Visualization
    1. Actors
  4. Hoon
    1. Calling
    2. Dumping
    3. Setting Up
  5. Analysis


In complex software projects, there are a variety of automated tools employed to make sure the system works as intended. The two most popular examples are tests and type systems. As of the time of this writing, the Anoma codebase has embraced both of these; having a 73% test coverage and the majority of functions with type signatures!

This article will focus on the downside of testing in elixir, and give a compelling argument for examples over testing!

What are Examples

The word testing in the context of software development is widely understood, however the term examples does not have the same level of recognition.

In order to clarify the meaning within Anoma, we will take Glamorous Toolkit's definition of example, as they have created a well-thought-out system that successfully replaces most tests with examples

According to Glamorous Toolkit examples are:

"a way of demonstrating how to use the system and check that it is operating correctly.

They are similar to SUnit tests in that they make assertions to confirm that the system is operating correctly, but unlike SUnit tests, which typically don't return anything, they answer an object which is useful in its own right."

For the purposes of discussion, we can consider SUnit and ExUnit to be the same. Meaning that there are large overlaps in the practical function between examples and tests.

Downsides of testing in Elixir

To get a feeling for what examples can offer the codebase, we should first discuss the downsides with how Anoma interacts with tests.

  1. Tests are not loaded into IEx at startup.
  2. To run tests by hand, we need to copy paste:
    1. Imports.
    2. setup_all logic.
    3. the test up until the point we care about.
  3. Tests can't be abstracted in the test module without breaking copy and pasting.
  4. Tests can't have dialyzer run over them.
  5. IEx does not re-run tests on demand, one has to recompile the test after already running the tests
  6. LSP seems to not be able to calculate references of values to tests due to them not being compiled.

How would Examples work in Elixir?

Before we go and talk about addressing the issues with testing, let us first envision how we would go about making examples. Below are rules that we can apply to creating our very first examples.

  1. They belong in a module example/e<module-name>. Where module-name is the module one is interested in testing.
  2. Any piece of logic that is relied upon by other parts, is an example.
  3. If any code spawns actors, they should either register themselves or be memoized.
  4. We should run asserts on data whenever possible.

For demonstration purposes, let us take the most common kinds of tests we have and imagine what they would look like as examples

  1. The first kind of test is testing non actors.
  2. The second kind of test is testing stateful actors.

Tests in the first category tend to care about the form of data and making assertions about said data, while the second category is more about testing the interactions between multiple actors and the final state they produce.

The translation of tests in classification 2. into examples can be split into two phases:

  1. The first phase will cover translating the setup state as global examples. This is not perfect but maintains the same semantics as the test.
  2. The second phase will make the global setup logic specific per example, making stateful examples return the final network state.

Examplifying non Actors

A good example we can use, is a test in our resource test file.

defmodule AnomaTest.Resource do
  test "commitments and nullifiers" do
    keypair_a = Sign.new_keypair()
    keypair_b = Sign.new_keypair()

    a_r1 = new_with_npk(keypair_a.public)
    a_r2 = new_with_npk(keypair_a.public)
    b_r0 = new_with_npk(keypair_b.public)

    # just in case
    assert a_r1 != a_r2

    c_a_r1 = commitment(a_r1)
    c_a_r2 = commitment(a_r2)
    c_b_r0 = commitment(b_r0)

    n_a_r1 = nullifier(a_r1, keypair_a.secret)
    n_a_r2 = nullifier(a_r2, keypair_a.secret)
    n_b_r0 = nullifier(b_r0, keypair_b.secret)

    assert c_a_r1 |> commits_to(a_r1)
    refute c_a_r1 |> commits_to(a_r2)
    refute c_a_r1 |> commits_to(b_r0)

    refute c_a_r2 |> commits_to(a_r1)
    assert c_a_r2 |> commits_to(a_r2)
    refute c_a_r2 |> commits_to(b_r0)

    refute c_b_r0 |> commits_to(a_r1)
    refute c_b_r0 |> commits_to(a_r2)
    assert c_b_r0 |> commits_to(b_r0)

    assert n_a_r1 |> nullifies(a_r1)
    refute n_a_r1 |> nullifies(a_r2)
    refute n_a_r1 |> nullifies(b_r0)

    refute n_a_r2 |> nullifies(a_r1)
    assert n_a_r2 |> nullifies(a_r2)
    refute n_a_r2 |> nullifies(b_r0)

    refute n_b_r0 |> nullifies(a_r1)
    refute n_b_r0 |> nullifies(a_r2)
    assert n_b_r0 |> nullifies(b_r0)

  test "nullify with wrong key" do
    keypair_a = Sign.new_keypair()
    keypair_b = Sign.new_keypair()

    a_resource = new_with_npk(keypair_a.public)
    wrong_nullifier = nullifier(a_resource, keypair_b.secret)

    refute wrong_nullifier |> nullifies(a_resource)

The crux of this module is creating some resources, and testing that they behave properly!

However since tests are not composable, we have to waste time recreating more resources in another test!

If we were to reimagine this test as an example it would look something like this.

defmodule Example.EResource do
  # Memoize it as we want it to always be the same!
  defmemo(keypair_a(), do: Sign.new_keypair())
  defmemo(keypair_b(), do: Sign.new_keypair())

  # new_with_npk gives new resources, so memo again
  defmemo(a_resource(), do: new_with_npk(keypair_a().public))
  defmemo(b_resource(), do: new_with_npk(keypair_b().public))
  defmemo(a2_resource(), do: new_with_npk(keypair_a().public))

  # Now we get interesting
  def commit_a() do
    commitment = commitment(a_resource())
    assert commitment |> commits_to(a_resource())
    refute commitment |> commits_to(b_resource())

  def commit_a2() do
    commitment = commitment(a2_resource())
    assert commitment |> commits_to(a2_resource())
    refute commitment |> commits_to(a_resource())
    assert commitment != commit_a()

  def commit_b() do
    commitment = commitment(a2_resource())
    assert commitment |> commits_to(b_resource())
    refute commitment |> commits_to(a_resource())

  def nullifier_a() do
    nullifier = nullifies(a_resource(), keypair_a().private)
    assert nullifier |> nullifies(a_resource())
    refute nullifier |> nullifies(b_resource())

  def nullifier_a2() do
    nullifier = nullifies(a_resource(), keypair_a2().private)
    assert nullifier |> nullifies(a2_resource())
    refute nullifier |> nullifies(a_resource())
    assert nullifier != nullifier_a()

  def nullifier_b() do
    nullifier = nullifies(b_resource(), keypair_b().private)
    assert nullifier |> nullifies(b_resource())
    refute nullifier |> nullifies(a_resource())

  def invalid_nullifier() do
    nullifier = nullifies(a_resource(), keypair_b().private)
    refute nullifier |> nullifies(a_resource())

Although this code is 5 more lines of code, it has many strong properties:

  1. Each component is now a top level name. Meaning we can now play with nullifier_a in IEx. No copy and pasting needed!
  2. We can add type signatures for each definition, to ensure we have type checking and writing down our own intents!
  3. We didn't need to unnecessarily generate extra keys, and resources. We can reuse them!
  4. We are writing properties about the data we wish to have.
  5. Any other example files can rely on this example file! (hint maybe our next example will use this one)

Point 4. should be expanded upon. In a test, one is testing many things at once, but what makes examples strong is that we are denoting the dynamic properties we wish data to respect! Because we are doing this on a data basis, it becomes easy to later come back to these and add new facts to the examples.

Tests discourage this, as they have a singular purpose they exist for, they do not encourage good behavior!

Further, if we were to not do a 1 to 1 extraction, we could factor some of the data here to Signature examples as well! We will see how this principle works out in practice in the next section.

Examplifying stateful code

defmodule AnomaTest.Node.Executor.Worker do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  setup_all do
    storage = %Storage{
      qualified: AnomaTest.Worker.Qualified,
      order: AnomaTest.Worker.Order

    {:ok, router, _} = Anoma.Node.Router.start()

    {:ok, storage} =
      Anoma.Node.Router.start_engine(router, Storage, storage)

    {:ok, ordering} =
      Anoma.Node.Router.start_engine(router, Ordering, table: storage)

    snapshot_path = [:my_special_nock_snaphsot | 0]

    env = %Nock{snapshot_path: snapshot_path, ordering: ordering}

    [env: env]

  test "worker evaluates resource transaction", %{env: env} do
    import Anoma.Resource
    alias Anoma.Resource.ProofRecord
    alias Anoma.Resource.Transaction

    id = System.unique_integer([:positive])

    storage = Ordering.get_storage(env.ordering)


    keypair = Anoma.Crypto.Sign.new_keypair()

    in_resource = %{
      | label: "space bucks",
        quantity: 10

    nf_in = nullifier(in_resource, keypair.secret)
    pf_in = ProofRecord.prove(in_resource)

    out_resource = %{
      | label: "space bucks",
        quantity: 10

    cm_out = commitment(out_resource)
    pf_out = ProofRecord.prove(out_resource)

    rm_tx = %Transaction{
      commitments: [cm_out],
      nullifiers: [nf_in],
      proofs: [pf_in, pf_out],
      delta: %{}

    rm_tx_noun = Transaction.to_noun(rm_tx)
    rm_executor_tx = [[1 | rm_tx_noun], 0 | 0]

    spawn = Task.async(Worker, :run, [id, {:rm, rm_executor_tx}, env])
    Ordering.new_order(env.ordering, [Order.new(0, id, spawn.pid)])

    send(spawn.pid, {:write_ready, 0})
    assert :ok == Task.await(spawn)

This test has a few parts, one part is a test_setup and another part is the actual testing code itself.

I will reimagine this module in two phases. The first respecting the fact that setup_all is unique and is efficient as it spawns only 1 network for the entire module. The second will instead make the node specific to each example that relies upon it. Returning the network as the interesting object.

defmodule Example.Worker.Phase1 do

  defmemo router() do
    assert {:ok, router, _} = Router.start()

  def raw_storage() do
    storage = %Storage{
      qualified: AnomaTest.Worker.Qualified,
      order: AnomaTest.Worker.Order

  defmemo storage() do
     {:ok, storage} = Router.start_engine(router(), Storage, raw_storage())

  defmemo ordering() do
    {:ok, ordering} = Router.start_engine(router(), Ordering, table: storage())

  def env() do
   %Nock{snapshot_path: Enock.snapshot_path(), ordering: ordering}

  # Let's get an unique number
  defmemo unique_id() do

  def successfully_fire_trans() do

    spawn = Task.async(Worker, :run, [id, {:rm, space_trans_candidate()}, env()])
    Ordering.new_order(ordering(), [Order.new(0, id, spawn.pid)])

    send(spawn.pid, {:write_ready, 0})
    assert :ok == Task.await(spawn)

defmodule Example.ProofRecord do
  def proved_spacebucks_a() do

  def proved_spacebucks_b() do

defmodule Example.Transaction do
  def balanced_space_transaction() do
    trans = %Transaction{
      commitments: [EResource.commitment_space_bucks_a()]
      nullifiers: [ERsource.nullifier_space_bucks_b()],
      proofs: [proved_spacebucks_a(), proved_spacebucks_b()]
    # This wans't in the original test!
    assert verify(trans)

  def space_trans_candidate() do
    [[1 | rm_tx_noun], 0 | 0]

Notice we ended up calling a lot of examples from EResource. Some of the examples already existed even without this test (we really had spacebucks already in the codebase! Duplicated in the Worker and in Resource).

Further most of the logic that recreates resources are better placed in the actual Example.EResource file, as they are relevant examples for someone who is looking for resources. Why would they look at the worker to see examples of the Resources? Likewise, people who are looking at the worker code, would want to look at worker logic, not resource logic!

We can see the benefits examples offer even stateful tests:

  1. Most of the boilerplate of creating unrelated types are confined in the proper modules!
  2. There may be an example off hand which satisfies what we want (we already had spacebucks in EResource)
  3. Rephrasing a test as an example doesn't lose any information. the actual example is simply not interesting!
  4. We can run the stateful tests from IEx and even pry into it without any issues!

With these benefits of mind let us see if Phase2 can improve point 3. a bit:

defmodule Example.Worker.Phase2 do
  def router() do
    assert {:ok, router, _} = Router.start()

  def raw_storage() do
    storage = %Storage{
      qualified: AnomaTest.Worker.Qualified,
      order: AnomaTest.Worker.Order

  def storage(router) do
    {:ok, storage} = Router.start_engine(router, Storage, raw_storage())

  def ordering(router, storage) do
    {:ok, ordering} = Router.start_engine(router, Ordering, table: storage)

  def env(ordering) do
    %Nock{snapshot_path: Enock.snapshot_path(), ordering: ordering}

  def network() do
    router = router()
    storage = storage(router)
    %Node{router: router, ordering: ordering(router, storage), storage: storage}

  # Let's get an unique number
  defmemo unique_id() do

  def successfully_fire_trans() do
    net = network()
    env = env(net.ordering)
    spawn = Task.async(Worker, :run, [id, {:rm, space_trans_candidate()}, env])
    Ordering.new_order(net.ordering, [Order.new(0, id, spawn.pid)])

    send(spawn.pid, {:write_ready, 0})
    assert :ok == Task.await(spawn)

In Phase2 we abstracted out some examples, so that they are no longer standalone examples.

Sadly storage, router, env and ordering are no longer examples, but are generator functions for the data we care about. (maybe we can restore this somehow!)

However, notice that the return of sucessfully_fire_trans/0, now returns the network!

This means that if we wanted, we can use this environment for further tests. Such as making sure nullifiers don't insert twice

def failed_trans() do
  net = succesfully_fire_trans()
  env = env(net.ordering)
  spawn = Task.async(Worker, :run, [id, {:rm, space_trans_candidate()}, env])
  Ordering.new_order(net.ordering, [Order.new(0, id, spawn.pid)])
  assert :error == Task.await(spawn)
  for nullifier <- space_trans_candidate().nullifiers do
    assert in_nullifer_set(env, nullifier)

Besides reuse we get the following advantages in Phase2:

  1. If we had visualization tooling, we can take the result of successfully_fire_trans/0 and view all the views of the data. Meaning that if we made tooling that charts simulated latency, connected node graphs, successful and failed transactions, we would be able to chart them all and visually see the difference between this one and failed_trans/0.
  2. We can inspect the state of the network querying for new facts we did not know about before. And consider if any facts are interesting enough to assert that the property holds in the particular example.

Temporary Setbacks

One small annoyance, is that in order to run the tests, we have to currently by hand put the examples in a test file to make sure they are ran.

This can be offset by a macro that scrapes the examples modules and automatically registers the tests. So this is not a hard issue for the example style.

Addressing testing issues

Now that we have a concrete idea of what examples look like, let us see how they fix our problems with tests:

  1. Tests are not loaded into IEx at startup.
    • They are in the lib folder, they are loaded!
  2. To run tests by hand, we need to copy paste:
    • No copy and pasting required, we can pry and avoid copy and paste!
  3. Tests can't be abstracted in the test module without breaking copy and pasting.
    • We can abstract as much as we want
  4. Tests can't have dialyzer run over them.
    • We can run dialyzer and even type our examples!
  5. IEx does not re-run tests on demand, one has to recompile the test after already running the tests
    • We can re-run the example whenever we want
  6. LSP seems to not be able to calculate references of values to tests due to them not being compiled.
    • LSP should work as it's compiled like everything else.

Outstanding questions

The most straight forward strategy would be:

  1. Take each test module and convert it to tests.
  2. Once most of the modules are done, convert all stateful tests into phase2.

However there are open questions:

  1. How slow is node setup? Will phase2 make tests run longer than 2 seconds (unacceptable)?
  2. How long until we have a macro that auto registers the examples so they can be ran with mix test?
  3. How will our usage of examples evolve over time?
  4. How to deal with tests that make socket files then deletes them after all is done? Will Phase2 make this question obsolete?
  5. Can the process be improved? One of the Authors of GT has a paper about converting JUnit to JExample. This can probably inform our own transition and ideas on creating examples