module Stdlib.Extra.Gcd;

import Stdlib.Trait.Natural open;
import Stdlib.Trait.DivMod open;
import Stdlib.Trait.Eq open;
import Stdlib.Trait.Ord open;
import Stdlib.Data.Bool open;

--- Computes the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`.
gcd {A} {{Eq A}} {{Ord A}} {{Natural A}} {{DivMod A}} (a b : A) : A :=
    -- Internal helper for computing the greatest common divisor. The first element
    -- should be smaller than the second.
    gcd' (a b : A) : A :=
        | a == 0 := b
        | else := gcd' (mod b a) a;
  in if 
    | a > b := gcd' b a
    | else := gcd' a b;