--- N-Ary trees with pretty printing.
module Stdlib.Data.Tree;

import Stdlib.Data.List open;
import Stdlib.Data.String open;
import Stdlib.Trait.Show open;
import Stdlib.Function open;

--- A ;List; of trees.
Forest (A : Type) : Type := List (Tree A);

--- N-Ary tree.
type Tree (A : Type) :=
    element : A;
    children : List (Tree A);

draw {A} {{Show A}} (tree : Tree A) : List String :=
  Show.show (Tree.element tree) :: drawForest (Tree.children tree);

drawForest {A} {{Show A}} (forest : Forest A) : List String :=
    shift (first other : String) (xs : List String) : List String :=
      zipWith (++str) (first :: replicate (length xs) other) xs;
  in case forest of
       | [] := []
       | [h] := "|" :: shift "`- " "   " (draw h)
       | h :: hs := "|" :: shift "+- " "|  " (draw h) ++ drawForest hs;

treeToString {A} {{Show A}} (tree : Tree A) : String := unlines (draw tree);

forestToString {A} {{Show A}} (forest : Forest A) : String :=
  unlines (drawForest forest);