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trait type Applicative (f : Type -> Type)Source#


| mkApplicative { {{functor}} : Functor f; pure : {A : Type} -> A -> f A; ap : {A B : Type} -> f (A -> B) -> f A -> f B }

open Applicative public

applicativeSeq {f : Type -> Type} {{Applicative f}} {A B : Type} (fa : f A) (fb : f B) : f BSource#

Sequences computations. Note that this function will be renamed to >>> once IO becomses a polymorphic type and can be given an Applicative instance.

liftA2 {f : Type -> Type} {{Applicative f}} {A B C} (fun : A -> B -> C) : f A -> f B -> f CSource#

lifts a binary function to Applicative

mapA_ {t : Type -> Type} {f : Type -> Type} {A B} {{Foldable t}} {{Applicative f}} (fun : A -> f B) (l : t A) : f UnitSource#

replicateA {f : Type -> Type} {A} {{Applicative f}} : Nat -> f A -> f (List A)Source#

when {f : Type -> Type} {{Applicative f}} : Bool -> f Unit -> f UnitSource#