{-- Scale-Free Kudos

This module contains the ARMv1 version of the resource logic for kudo,
    adapted from

Axioms are used for parts that are unclear.

This the purpose of the resource logic, as far as I (paul@heliax.dev)

# Creation of Kudo denomination

Someone, __the originator__ can create a new Kudo denomination. They do this by:

1. generating a public/private key pair.

2. Create a ;Resource; in a Transaction that creates a quantity of this new denomination.


1. How can you populate the ownerSig field? It is generated from the Resource, but is also part of the Resource.

2. How does a user (say the owner) obtain the kudoLogic in order to participate in the Application?

3. What is the connectives check? --}
module Kudos.Logic;

import Anoma open;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

--- Check that the ;Transaction; is valid for the Kudo application.
--- The self argument is the ;Resource; that defines this logic function.
kudoLogic (self : Resource) (tx : Transaction) : Bool :=
    rs := partitionResources tx;
    isKudo (r : Resource) : Bool :=
      anomaEncode (Resource.logic self) == anomaEncode (Resource.logic r);
    consumedKudo := filter isKudo (ResourcePartition.consumed rs);
    createdKudo := filter isKudo (ResourcePartition.created rs);
  in checkConsumedKudo consumedKudo
    && checkCreatedKudo createdKudo
    && checkConnectives tx;

--- Run checks on consumed Kudo ;Resource;s
checkConsumedKudo (rs : List Resource) : Bool :=
  all (r in rs)
    checkValidOriginator r && checkAuthorizedConsumption r;

--- Run checks on created Kudo ;Resource;s
checkCreatedKudo (rs : List Resource) : Bool :=
  all (r in rs)
    checkValidOriginator r;

--- Check that the originator signed the ;Resource; kind.
checkValidOriginator (r : Resource) : Bool :=
    -- TODO: Original design defines the label to be a hash of a public key. Is
    -- this correct?
    key : PublicKey := anomaDecode (Resource.label r);
    value : KudoValue := anomaDecode (Resource.data r);
  in anomaVerifyDetached
    (KudoValue.originatorSig value)
    (anomaKind r)

--- Check that the owner of the Kudo has authorized consumption.
checkAuthorizedConsumption (r : Resource) : Bool :=
    value : KudoValue := anomaDecode (Resource.data r);
  in anomaVerifyDetached (KudoValue.ownerSig value) r (KudoValue.owner value);

--- The data stored on a Kudo resource
type KudoValue :=
  mkKudoValue {
    owner : PublicKey;
    ownerSig : Signature;
    originatorSig : Signature

--- The extra data stored on a Kudo transaction
type KudoExtraData := mkKudoExtraData {connectives : Bool};

-- TODO: What is connective validity?
checkConnectives (tx : Transaction) : Bool :=
    -- TODO: How do we check that this `anomaDecode` call is valid? i.e this
      -- transaction is related to Kudo?
      (Transaction.extra tx));
Last modified on 2024-04-18 10:12 UTC