Nock.Jam (Anoma v0.25.0)



@type cache() :: %{required(Noun.t()) => non_neg_integer()}
@type t() :: %Nock.Jam{buffer: [0 | 1], cache: cache(), position: non_neg_integer()}


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cache_noun(env, noun)

@spec cache_noun(t(), Noun.t()) :: t()
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encode(jam_env, noun)

@spec encode(t(), Noun.t()) :: t()
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fetch_cache_noun(env, noun)

@spec fetch_cache_noun(t(), Noun.t()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | :error
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handle_back(env, position, noun)

@spec handle_back(t(), non_neg_integer(), Noun.t()) :: t()
@spec jam(Noun.t()) :: Noun.noun_atom()
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write(env, atom)

@spec write(t(), Noun.t()) :: t()
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write_atom(env, atom)

@spec write_atom(t(), Noun.noun_atom()) :: t()
@spec write_atom(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()
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write_back_ref(env, position)

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write_length(env, len_atom)

@spec write_length(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()