Anoma.ShieldedResource (Anoma v0.25.0)

I am a shielded resource.



A commitment to the given resource.

Generate the nullifier public key from the nulliffier (private)key.

The nullifier of the given resource.

Randomizes the rseed of a resource.

Set the nonce of a resource, the nonce of output resource comes from the nullifer of input recource in the compliance proof.


@type t() :: %Anoma.ShieldedResource{
  data: binary(),
  eph: bool(),
  label: binary(),
  logic: binary(),
  nonce: binary(),
  npk: binary(),
  quantity: binary(),
  rseed: binary()


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@spec commitment(t()) :: binary()

A commitment to the given resource.

@spec get_npk(binary()) :: binary()

Generate the nullifier public key from the nulliffier (private)key.

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@spec nullifier(t()) :: binary()

The nullifier of the given resource.

Randomizes the rseed of a resource.

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set_nonce(r, nonce)

Set the nonce of a resource, the nonce of output resource comes from the nullifer of input recource in the compliance proof.

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@spec to_bytes(t()) :: [byte()]