Anoma.Node.Transport (Anoma v0.30.0)
Given a remote node id, I start a proxy engine that represents that remote node.
I start a new TCP client connection to a given host and port.
I start a new TCP server for the given node.
Link to this type
@type hostname() :: :inet.socket_address() | :inet.hostname()
Shorthand type for socket.
Link to this type
@type port_number() :: :inet.port_number()
Shorthand type for port number.
Link to this function
start_engine_proxy(node_id, remote_node_id, type)
Given a remote node id, I start a proxy engine that represents that remote node.
Link to this function
start_tcp_client(node_id, arg)
@spec start_tcp_client( String.t(), {hostname(), port_number()} ) :: {:ok, pid(), port_number()} | {:error, term()}
I start a new TCP client connection to a given host and port.
Link to this function
start_tcp_server(node_id, arg \\ {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0})
@spec start_tcp_server( String.t(), {hostname(), port_number()} ) :: {:ok, pid(), port_number()} | {:error, term()}
I start a new TCP server for the given node.