Anoma.Node.Transport.TCP.Listener (Anoma v0.25.0)

I am a TCP listener. I listen on a given interface and port for incoming connections.

When I receive a connection, I create a new TCPServer process to further handle the connection.

Public API

I provide the following public functionality:



Shorthand type for socket.

Shorthand type for port number.


I am the state of a TCP listener.


I am the child spec for a TCP listener.

I return the port on which I am listening

I am the init function for a TCP listener process.

I return the port on which I am listening. This is useful for the examples where I start up using a random port.


@type hostname() :: :inet.socket_address() | :inet.hostname()

Shorthand type for socket.

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@type port_number() :: :inet.port_number()

Shorthand type for port number.

@type t() :: %Anoma.Node.Transport.TCP.Listener{
  host: hostname() | nil,
  node_id: String.t() | nil,
  port: port_number() | nil,
  socket: :inet.socket() | nil

I am the state of a TCP listener.

My fields contain information to listen for TCP connection with a remote node.


  • :node_id - The key of this router. This value is used to announce myself to other
  • :host - The host address of the remote tcp server.
  • :port - The port of the remote tcp server.
  • :socket - The socket of an accepted connection.


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I am the child spec for a TCP listener.

I ensure that TCP listeners are not restarted if they terminate.

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handle_call(msg, from, state)

I return the port on which I am listening

I am the init function for a TCP listener process.


  • :host - The host to whom I will listen.
  • :port - The port on which I will listen.
  • :node_id - The key of the local node.
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@spec port(GenServer.server()) :: port_number()

I return the port on which I am listening. This is useful for the examples where I start up using a random port.

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