Anoma.Node.Transport.Messages (Anoma v0.30.0)
I create an announcement message for the given node id.
I translate a request to an engine into a protobuf message.
I translate a protobuf message into a request to the engine.
Link to this function
@spec announcement(String.t()) :: Anoma.Protobuf.Envelope.t()
I create an announcement message for the given node id.
Link to this function
call_to_proto(arg1, arg2, local_node_id)
@spec call_to_proto(atom(), module(), String.t()) :: Anoma.Protobuf.Envelope.t()
I translate a request to an engine into a protobuf message.
Link to this function
proto_to_call(response, ref, local_node_id)
@spec proto_to_call( Anoma.Protobuf.Indexer.UnspentResources.Request.t() | any(), binary(), String.t() ) :: {:reply, Anoma.Protobuf.Envelope.t()} | {:is_reply, {:ok, any()}, binary()}
I translate a protobuf message into a request to the engine.
I return the result of the call, encoded as a protobuf message.