module Anoma.PartialTx;
import Anoma.Prelude open;
import Anoma.Resource open;
--- A partial transaction consists of consumed resources and created resources
type PartialTx :=
mkPartialTx {
consumedResources : List Resource;
createdResources : List Resource
open PartialTx;
{-- A function that determines whether a ;PartialTx; is valid
* kind: Indicating whether the resource associated with this logic function
was consumed or created in the subject ;PartialTx;.
* partialTx: The ;PartialTx; being validated. --}
LogicFunction : Type := ResourceKind -> PartialTx -> Bool;
ordPartialTx : Ord PartialTx :=
prod (r : PartialTx) : List Resource × List Resource :=
consumedResources r, createdResources r;
go (p1 : PartialTx) (p2 : PartialTx) : Ordering :=
Ord.cmp (prod p1) (prod p2);
in mkOrd go;
Last modified on 2023-12-07 10:36 UTC