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Kudos as resources in Juvix (WIP)

This code was typechecked using Juvix v0.5.4.

module kudos;

import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import Data.Set as Set open;

Basic types

syntax alias Predicate := Nat;

syntax alias Hash := Nat;

syntax alias Field := Nat;

syntax alias Signature := Nat;

syntax alias Key := Nat;

Byte : Type := List Nat;

Bytes : Type := List Byte;

Custom types

type Owner :=
  mkOwner {
    identity : ExternalIdentity;
    signature : Signature

type ExternalIdentity := mkExternalIdentity {key : Key};
module Kudo;
  type Resource :=
    mkResource {
      label : Hash;
      predicate : Predicate;
      quantity : Field;
      value : Value

  type Value :=
    mkValue {
      owner : Owner;
      originator : Signature
  Env : Type := Set Predicate;
type isVerifiable (A : Type) := mkVerifiable {verify : A -> Bool};

open isVerifiable;

valueIsVerifiable : isVerifiable Kudo.Value :=
  mkVerifiable (verify := \ {_ := true});
kudoIsVerifiable : isVerifiable Kudo.Resource :=
  mkVerifiable (verify := \ {k := verify (Kudo.Resource.value k)});

Partial transactions

type PartialTransaction :=
  mkPartialTransaction {
    input : List Kudo.Resource;
    output : List Kudo.Resource;
    extra : Bytes

open PartialTransaction;

syntax alias PTX := PartialTransaction;

Evaluation context

axiom env : Kudo.Env;

axiom ! : {A : Type} -> A;

kudo_logic (ptx : PartialTransaction) : Bool :=
    checkInputs : Bool :=
        λ {ri :=
            cond1 : Bool := member? (Kudo.Resource.predicate ri) env;
            cond2 : _ := true;
            cond3 : _ := true;
          in cond1 && not (cond2 || cond3)}
        (input ptx);
    checkOutput : Bool :=
        λ {ri :=
            cond1 : Bool := member? (Kudo.Resource.predicate ri) env;
            cond2 : _ := true;
            cond3 : _ := true;
          in cond1 && not (cond2 || cond3)}
        (output ptx);
    checkConnectiveValidity : Bool := true;
  in checkInputs && checkOutput && checkConnectiveValidity;

partialVerifiable : isVerifiable PartialTransaction :=
  mkVerifiable (verify := kudo_logic);
axiom agentA : Owner;

axiom sig_agentA1 : Signature;

axiom type_sig_agentA1 : Signature;

axiom sig_agentA2 : Signature;

axiom type_sig_agentA2 : Signature;

axiom agentB : Owner;

axiom sig_agentB1 : Signature;

axiom type_sig_agentB1 : Signature;

axiom hash : {A : Type} -> A -> Hash;

valueA1 : _ := Kudo.mkValue (owner := agentA; originator := sig_agentA1);

kudoA1 : _ :=
    (predicate := !; label := hash agentA; quantity := 1; value := valueA1);

valueA2 : _ := Kudo.mkValue (owner := agentA; originator := sig_agentA2);

kudoA2 : _ :=
    (predicate := !; label := hash agentA; quantity := 1; value := valueA1);

valueB1 : _ := Kudo.mkValue (owner := agentB; originator := type_sig_agentB1);

kudoB1 : _ :=
    (predicate := !; label := hash agentB; quantity := 1; value := valueB1);

axiom Float : Type;

syntax alias Weight := Float;

type ResourceIntentElement :=
  | Resource
  | WantResourceType;

axiom Term : Type;

syntax alias Connective := Term;

Intents over Kudos

type ResourceIntent :=
  mkIntent {
    have : List (Weight × ResourceIntentElement);
    want : List (Weight × ResourceIntentElement);
    connectives : Connective

type KudoIntentElement :=
  | KudoResource
  | WantKudoResourceType;

{-- Each Agent can produce intents over which Kudos they have and which Kudos
  they want, for arbitrary size vectors of both. --}
type KudoIntent :=
  mkKudoIntent {
    have : List (Weight × KudoIntentElement);
    want : List (Weight × KudoIntentElement);
    connectives : Connective