Example of a Juvix program!
Stdlib.Prelude> --example of a comment
Stdlib.Prelude> 3 + 4
Stdlib.Prelude> 1 + 3 * 7
Stdlib.Prelude> div 35 4
Stdlib.Prelude> mod 35 4
Stdlib.Prelude> let x := 3 in x
Stdlib.Prelude> infixl 6 _+_;
module {- coment -} Demo.Example.Tutorial {-comment-} ;
-- {-- Inline comments are also supported. -}
-- -- Inline comments are also supported. --
--- Judoc comment.
-- {name1; name2}
-- {name1; name2;};
infix {--- hhh --} 4 {--- hhh --} _≤_ {--- hhh --};
infixl 6 _+_;
infixr 7 op;
open import Stdlib.Prelude; import Stdlib.Data.Nat.Ord;
open import Stdlib.Data.Ord public; open import Stdlib.Data.Ord XXX public;
open import Stdlib.Data.Ord public --asdf;
open import Stdlib.Data.Ord public {--asdf--};
open import Stdlib.Map using {name1; name2 };
open import Stdlib.Map using {name1;
-- comment
{- final comment here -}
open M;
open N public;
open import Stdlib.Map using {name1; name2} hiding {name3; name4} public;
open import Stdlib.Map hiding {name3; name4};
open import {--- hhh --} Stdlib.Data.Ord;
open import Stdlib.Data.Product
-- comment in between
-- comment in between
{name1; name2}
-- comment in the middle
module AA;
-- cmoment
module Format;
open import Stdlib.Prelude hiding {,};
open import Stdlib.Data.Nat.Ord;
go : Nat → Nat → Nat;
go n s :=
(s < n)
(go (sub n 1) s)
(go n (sub s n) + go (sub n 1) s);
module M;
infixr 4 ,;
axiom , : String → String → String;
-- qualified commas
t4 : String;
t4 := "a" M., "b" M., "c" M., "d";
open M;
-- mix qualified and unqualified commas
t5 : String;
t5 := "a" M., "b" M., "c", "d";
-- comma chain fits in a line
t2 : String;
t2 := "a", "b", "c", "d";
-- comma chain does not fit in a line
t3 : String;
t3 :=
, "b"
, "c"
, "d"
, "e"
, "f"
, "g"
, "h"
, "i"
, "j"
, "k"
, "1234";
infixl 7 +l7;
axiom +l7 : String → String → String;
infixr 3 +r3;
axiom +r3 : String → String → String;
infixl 1 +l1;
axiom +l1 : String → String → String;
infixl 6 +l6;
axiom +l6 : String → String → String;
infixr 6 +r6;
axiom +r6 : String → String → String;
-- nesting of chains
t : String;
t :=
+l1 "Hellooooooooo"
+l1 "Hellooooooooo"
+l6 "Hellooooooooo"
+l6 ("Hellooooooooo"
+r6 "Hellooooooooo"
+r6 "Hellooooooooo")
+l6 "Hellooooooooo"
+l6 "Hellooooooooo"
+l7 "Hellooooooooo"
+l7 "Hellooooooooo"
+l7 "Hellooooooooo"
, "hi"
, "hi";
-- function with single wildcard parameter
g : (_ : Type) -> Nat;
g _ := 1;
-- grouping of type arguments
exampleFunction1 :
{A : Type}
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> Nat;
exampleFunction1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ := 1;
-- 200 in the body is idented with respect to the start of the chain
-- (at {A : Type})
exampleFunction2 :
{A : Type}
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> Nat :=
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100;
module Patterns;
infixr 4 ,;
type Pair :=
| , : String → String → String;
-- Commas in patterns
f : _;
f (a, b, c, d) := a;
-- Comment at the end of a module